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Housing: Painting Construction (Exterior Wall Painting) Japanese-English Translation Sample

Source: 一般社団法人 市民住まい向上委員会 「時系列で分かる「住まい」を向上させるための外壁塗装基礎知識」


Original Text


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For the items highlighted in yellow, please refer to the Comments From The Translator below.


正しい業者を選ぶためにするべきこと 7つの手順


手順1 ● 塗装したい箇所を把握しましょう






劣化特性> 塗装が剥がれて雨水がしみ込んでいくと、苔などが発生したり、割れたり、下地の反りなどが起こる。
劣化特性> サビが発生する。サビが発生する前、5年おきぐらいに塗装することが理想。
劣化特性> ほかの瓦に比べて屋根の重量が重い。耐震性などのチェックが必要。
劣化特性> 色あせたり、表面が水分を含み、苔が生えてきたりしたら早めの塗装が必要。
劣化特性> 釉薬にひびが入ると、そこからひび割れが拡大する。


劣化特性> とくに窯業系は、吸水性が高いため膨張しやすい。また、変形やひび割れを起こしやすく、色あせ、汚れ、苔などが発生する。チョーキング(※1)や広範囲のヘアークラック(※2)、合わせ目のシーリング(※3)のひび割れなども劣化の目安。
劣化特性> 防水性能が低いため、塗膜の劣化によりひび割れなどが起こる。その他、色あせ、汚れ、苔などの発生が起こる。チョーキングや広範囲のヘアークラックなども劣化の目安。
劣化特性> 表面に塗装していない場合(打ち放しコンクリート)、表面から吸水して劣化していく。または、表面が中性化して強度が落ちる。表面が塗装されている場合、塗膜が劣化して打ち放しと同じ現象になる。またクラックから水が浸入して内部鉄筋が錆びてくる場合もある。
■ALC (autoclaved lightweight aerated concrete)……軽量気泡コンクリートのこと。重量が重いコンクリートに比べて軽い。断熱性にも優れている。
劣化特性> 合わせ目のシーリング材ひび割れ、痩せがある。表面が保護されていないため、防水性に乏しい。色あせ、汚れ、苔などの発生、塗膜のひび割れがある。チョーキングや広範囲のヘアークラックも劣化の目安。
※1 チョーキング……紫外線などに長期間さらされることで、塗装面に白い粉(顔料分)が浮いてくる状態で、触ったときに手に粉がつく。塗膜が薄くなっていることを意味し、表面から水分が侵入しやすくなる。
※2 ヘアークラック……建物の外壁や内壁などに発生した亀裂やひび割れのこと。乾燥収縮や膨張などによって表面に生じた細くて深さのあまりない(0.3mm以下が目安)クラック。構造にはとくに影響はしない。
※3 シーリング……外壁の継ぎ目などに詰まっている弾力性のあるゴムのような素材のもの。劣化すると硬くなり、縮んでしまう。




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Chapter 3
Procedure for Selecting the Right Painter - Seven Steps To Be Taken
When hiring a painting contractor, having knowledge of house painting is the key to a trouble-free construction. This chapter provides step-by-step instructions on what to know and do before having your house painted.


Step 1 ● Know the areas that require painting
You may want to believe that you can get your construction project completed properly just by hiring a specialized contractor, but unfortunately, there is no assurance that all contractors perform their jobs with sincerity. Selecting a reliable contractor, whom you can outsource work without worry, requires you also have a certain level of knowledge.
Once you would like to outsource painting, the first step is to verify the areas that require painting, particularly, the materials used in the portions that require painting and the differences among them.
This is because roofs and exterior walls vary in materials and damage conditions, which require different methods, paints and amounts of paint. It is also important to check whether the estimate from the contractor specifies these kinds of detailed conditions before signing a contract.
The next pages list basic terms concerning roofs and exterior walls together with their meanings and other necessary information to increase your knowledge about painting.


Eaves Soffit (P.29) The back part of the ceiling sticking out of the exterior wall of the roof.
Roof (P.26) There are varieties of roofs including slate roofs, galvanized sheet iron roofs, clay tile roofs, cement tile roofs and ceramic tile roofs, each of which requires the selection of specific paint. Maintenance including regular painting and seismic performance evaluation is also essential for the roof.
Bargeboard (P.30) An angle board fixed to the gable end to hide the ends of the roof timbers. The one covering the eave end is a fascia board.
Window Hood (P.30) A small hood over the window.
Foundations & Exterior Structure (P.30) Concrete and blocks are the main materials used for the foundations and exterior structure, which are directly exposed to the ground, and thus susceptible to moisture from the ground. For this reason, the paint on the foundations and exterior structure tends to flake easily.
Front Door (Accessories) (P.29) Regular maintenance is required especially for wooden doors. Attention should be paid also to such matters as the size, heat insulation properties and crime prevention.
Exterior Wall (P.27) Exterior walls vary in materials, for example, siding, mortar, concrete and autoclaved lightweight aerated concrete, each of which shows different signs of deterioration. They all need to be painted regularly.
Rainwater Gutter (P.29) Long and narrow gutters that catch rainwater along the eaves (eaves gutters), and drain it into the ground (downspouts).


Basic Painting Terms/Knowledge to Remember/Know


For [Roof]
Slate Roof Tile: Slate is a kind of rock. Artificial slate roof tiles, which are also referred to as Colonial, are thin stone tiles, and contain cement and asbestos as main ingredients. They are lighter than other roofing tiles in weight, stronger than sheet metals, relatively cheap in price, and one of the most common roof coverings.
<Degradation Characteristic> Entry of rainwater into roof tiles due to the flaking of paint causes such problems as the growth of moss, cracking, and the warpage of underroofing.
Galvanized Sheet Iron Roofing: Roofing with coated metal sheets such as iron sheets and Galvalume steel sheet.
<Degradation Characteristic> Rust forms. The ideal is to perform painting at intervals of about five years before the formation of rust.
Clay Roof Tile: Tiles made of fired clay. Generally used in the roofs of Japanese houses.
<Degradation Characteristic> Roofs with clay tiles weight more than those with other tiles, and need to be checked for their seismic performance and other abilities.
Cement Roof Tile: Tiles made of cement and sand as main ingredients. Resistant to temperature changes, and cheaper than clay-type roof tiles.
<Degradation Characteristic> If the color of cement roof tiles is faded out, or they have wet surfaces and are moss-grown, that is indicating that the roof require early painting.
Ceramic Roof Tile: Clay roof tiles with color glazes applied before being fired. Waterproof and durable.
<Degradation Characteristic> Once the glaze gets cracked, the crack will be larger.


For [Exterior Wall]
Siding: Board-shaped building materials, which are largely divided into four groups; ceramic-based, metal-based, wood-based, and resin-based. The most-commonly used siding is ceramic-based one, which is mainly made from a mixture of cement and fibrous materials.
<Degradation Characteristic> Siding materials, especially ceramic-based siding materials have high water absorption, which tends to cause expansion. They also tend to suffer from deformation, cracking, color fading, dirt, and moss. Phenomena such as chalking*1, hair cracks*2 over a wide area, and a cracked seal*3 in a joint are also signs of deterioration of siding.
Mortar: A kneaded mixture of cement, water and sand.
<Degradation Characteristic> Degradation of coating films due to poor waterproof performance can cause cracking. Mortar can also suffer from color fading, dirt, and moss growth. Phenomena such as chalking and hair cracks over a wide area are also signs of degradation.
Concrete: A kneaded mixture of a proper ratio of cement, aggregate such as sand or ballast, water, and as necessary, admixture. Concrete also refers to a hardened form of the above-mentioned mixture. It varies in fire resistance, durability, and water resistance, and has high compressive strength.
<Degradation Characteristic> Concrete with a non-coated surface (as-cast concrete) absorbs water from the surface, and gets degraded, or becomes less strong due to neutralization of the surface. If concrete has a coated surface, coating films get degraded, and it will have the same phenomena as the as-cast concrete. Also, water entering from a crack can cause rusting of internal reinforcing steel.
Autoclaved Lightweight Aerated Concrete (ALC): Lightweight compared to concrete, which is generally heavy in weight, and high in heat insulation.
<Degradation Characteristic> Sealing materials in joints can crack, or become thinner. Unprotected surfaces provide poor water resistance. ALC can also suffer from color fading, dirt, moss growth, and cracked coating films. Chalking and hair cracks over a wide area are also signs of degradation.


*1 Chalking: refers to a phenomenon where long exposure to ultraviolet rays, etc. forms a white powdery layer (pigment content) on the coated surface. If you touch a chalking surface, powder will adhere to your hand. This is indicating that a coating film has become thinner, and allows easy water entry from the surface.
*2 Hair Cracks: refer to cracks appearing on the surface of an exterior or interior wall, etc. of a building. They are caused mainly by drying shrinkage or expansion, and thin (generally, no more than 0.3 mm) and not so deep, and have no particular effect on the structure.
*3 Seals: refer to elastic, rubber-like materials mainly used for filling joints on exterior walls. Degradation hardens and shrinks them.


Comments From The Translator


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原文 訳文 連絡事項
■サイディング……セメント質と繊維質を主な原料にして混ぜ合わせたボード状の建材。窯業系、金属系、木質系、樹脂系などがある。最もよく使用されるのは窯業系サイディング。 ■Siding: Board-shaped building materials, which are largely divided into four groups; ceramic-based, metal-based, wood-based, and resin-based. The most-commonly used siding is ceramic-based one, which is mainly made from a mixture of cement and fibrous materials. セメントと繊維質を主な原料としているのは、サイディングの中でも窯業系のものであると判断し、順序を入れ替えてそのような意味になるように訳しています。

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